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Free Trial

Tae Kwon-Do students demonstrating self defence moves.

How Does The Free Trial Work? 


Anyone wanting to give it a go is welcome to book in for a free lesson or two providing they’re willing and have no serious mental or health concerns. During that time the participant has the opportunity to learn some basic techniques and see if RHEE Tae Kwon-Do is the right martial art for them with no obligation what so ever. At the same time the Instructor will be examining the potential student to make sure they’re suitable to be accepted. In some cases the Instructor may advise a parent to bring a child back in a few months for another free trial if they feel that you wouldn’t be getting value for money at that time. What’s important though is to make sure everyone involved is Happy. The student joining must be happy that this is what they want to do, if under 18 the parent must be happy that this is what they want for their child and of course the Instructor must be happy that as a new student they will follow instruction and not use what’s being taught inappropriately.


Please feel free to fill out the form below & begin your journey.



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© 2021 Rhee Tae Kwon-Do Mid-North Coast, NSW Australia

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